Grace Plus Online offers Online Education for the Christian Home Educated Student. The first guiding principle of Grace is to create an online classroom following Christian principles in speech, study habits, and conduct. Secondly, Grace Plus Online strives to support families called to home educate their children. Thirdly, our online classes work to prepare students to successfully compete in college and careers.
Classes at Grace Plus Online include a weekly assignment list with daily objectives, an online student-teacher meeting once a week, grading and assignment feedback, and quarterly meetings with parents.
Lessons are presented during the weekly student-teacher meeting or via recorded lessons. Students submit homework for review online. Grades are posted each week so both students and parents can check progress.
Private Individual Instruction is offered to meet the needs of the students who prefer some extra help, a different pace, a subject not offered as a class, or an advanced subject.
Students meet with a teacher on-campus or online for individualized instruction.
Homework Support is $30 for 50 minutes Individual Instruction is $35 for 50 minutes
Two types of private instruction offered — homework support or individualized instruction. Homework Support is designed to support a student in a class they are currently taking with a different teacher. During a homework support session, students are guided through homework and assisted with preparing to succeed in the classroom. Individual instruction is a separate class and the teacher provides the instruction and grades. High School students will receive a high school credit for completion of a curriculum taught during individualize instruction.